Dedoose 9.0.54 change log released 7/6/2022

The download links for the most up-to-date version can be found here
Dev Notes: This build is primarily a bug fixing build as we have made major changes to our QA testing processes and teams to better identify and correct bugs. In addition, there are numerous security enhancement features in this build to better protect Dedoose and its users from a security standpoint as part of our yearly Red-Team Penetration testing audits. Included below are all the fixes and changes that impact users directly.
- Merge Projects not working in specific cases
- Memo Group not deleting fixed
- When editing a text document and updating its content with existing excerpts being present, only the last excerpts position was correctly updated.
- Changes to username / password/ remember me feature to enhance user security
- Verification and password reset emails not sending to updated email addresses
- Code weight frequency x field chart using the proper code terminology instead of Tag
- Issue with being able to export excerpts from certain transcript audio/video resources
- Issue related to search functionality not working on the "Media" page and "Data Sets-Media Tab"
- Links to "To get started" & "Login at" going to improper or old pages
- Last row of descriptor data upload being ignored
- Forgot password email not always getting sent
- View Code Excerpts tool tip sometimes cutoff
- "Verification link" & "Invitation to project-Sign Up" link are navigating to the "Privacy Error" page
- Dedoose Auth Token email sometimes not being received
- Issue where an admin was unable to revoke admin privilege from a different account user
- Error is encountered for "Export charges & Export Payments"
- SSO login displaying error “Web Login Service - Unsupported Request”
- Error message is encountered while downloading a "Project Report"
- MacBook - 0.0.0 Version number is getting displayed on the "Login" page fixed
- "Edit" icon position changes as count increases to double digit