Dedoose has been field-tested and journal-proven by leading academic institutions and market researchers worldwide. Thousands of prominent researchers across the US and abroad have benefited from early versions of Dedoose in their qualitative and mixed methods work and have laid an outstanding publication and report trail along the way.
Ragin, Charles C., Nagel, Joane, & White, Patricia (2004)
National Science Foundation Report
Morgan, D. L. (2007)
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Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(2), 112-133
Tashakkori, Abbas & Teddlie, Charles (1998)
A. Tashakkori & C. Teddlie, Mixed Methodology: Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, pp. 40-58. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications
Ivankova, Nataliya V., Creswell, John W., & Stick, Sheldon L. (2006)
Field Methods, 18(1): 3-20
Creswell, John W. (2009)
Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 3(2), 95-108
Silverman, David (2005)
Doing Qualitative Research, 2nd Edition (pp. 171-187)
Mitchell, Sandra K. (1979)
Psychological Bulletin, 86(2): 376-390
MacQueen, Kathleen M. & Milstein, Bobby (1999)
Field Methods, 11(1): 27-39
Lieber, Eli, Weisner, Thomas S., & Presley, Matthew (2003)
Field Methods, 15(4): 405-425